© Gabi de Luca
“At the Crossroads of Knowledge - Undoing the Patriarchy with the Pombagira” is a Master's Thesis created in a dialogical and artistic approach for the award of the academic degree Master of Arts in Cultural History and Theory by the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2023. Created from the conjoining of seemingly disparate fields of knowledge, such as Religion, Spirituality, (Western modern) Science, Occult Sciences, Art Theory and Aesthetics, and beyond, this publication is a feminist undertaking against the Patriarchy through the reenchantment of the world (building upon criticisms on 'die Entzauberung der Welt', Max Weber 1921). The importance of this volume lies in its decolonial proposal of an embodied 'spiritual mestizaje' (Gloria Anzaldúa, 1987; Theresa Delgadillo, 2011) through the spiritual-scientific process of undoing capitalist patriarchal disciplinary thinking, in the hopes of achieving a true “emancipation of the subaltern classes” (Antonio Gramsci, 1971), especially the emancipation of women and their ancestral knowledge of the Occult. More than a pop hors d’ouevre revisionism of the Witch Hunts, this work is a dawn song from the marginalised, in the wake of a new historical period marked by feminist revolutions. DOI: 10.18452/26245
© Fernando Badharó
I Am The Naughty Lola!
A feminist art manifesto that focuses on a male body dancing with camp sensibility. Developed from the artistic Monograph “Transviado”, submitted for the award of the degree in Comunicação das Artes do Corpo (Communication of the Body Arts) at PUC-SP, Brazil, in 2015.